

Learn to respond first in emergencies: Get essential lifesaving skills in a day with N5 Academy's complete Emergency First Aid at Work Course.


Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Course

The Comprehensive Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Course is a one-day training program that lasts 6 hours. It is meant for people working in low-risk places like offices and shops, or for those who want an SIA license. The course follows Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines and combines theory with hands-on practice to teach important first aid skills.

Why EFAW is Essential:

Enhancing Workplace Safety and Personal Skills:

  • Critical Emergency Response Skills: Learn to react quickly and efficiently in different emergency situations. This skill is important in today’s unpredictable workplaces.
  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Understand the law, practicality, and morals of first aid. This knowledge will help you confidently and effectively respond in emergency situations.
  • Building a Safe Work Culture: Help make your workplace safer by being ready for possible health emergencies. This will encourage a safety-focused and prepared environment among your coworkers.

Professional Development and Compliance:

  • Meeting Industry Standards: Understand how this course helps you meet the legal and professional standards required in different workplaces, especially for those seeking an SIA licence.
  • Enhancing Career Prospects: Improve your job prospects with first aid skills. They’re appreciated in many fields and can lead to new job opportunities.
  • Fulfilling Social Responsibility: Learn to provide vital assistance in critical situations, not just in the workplace but also in everyday life, fulfilling an important social responsibility.

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Course Content:

  • Exploring the legal and ethical aspects of first aid provision.
  • The importance of accurate incident assessment and reporting in emergency situations.
  • Ways to assess how serious an incident is.
  • Prioritization techniques in emergency medical situations.
  • Training in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) operation.
  • Management of critical conditions like chest and spinal injuries and anaphylaxis.
  • Administering aid for minor injuries and illnesses.
  • Proactive measures for accident prevention in the workplace.
  • Learning about dangers in the workplace and creating suitable plans to deal with them.
  • Useful methods for talking to victims and working together with onlookers.
  • Learning how to work with emergency services and correctly hand over casualties.
  • Highlighting the need for practical training using simulations and interactive activities.
  • Building real-life first aid skills and confidence.

Practical Training Approach:

The EFAW course is unique because it uses hands-on training. Students take part in realistic simulations, practical tasks, and group talks, all led by skilled teachers. This hands-on learning helps students fully understand first-aid rules and how to use them in real life.

Additional Benefits:

Certification and Career Advancement:

  • Recognized Qualification: Earn a certification that is recognized and respected across various industries, enhancing your professional credentials.
  • SIA Licence Requirement: If you’re aiming for an SIA license, this course meets a major requirement, making it easier for you to get the license.

Personal Growth and Confidence:

  • Increased Confidence in Emergency Situations: Gain the confidence to handle emergency situations with calmness and efficiency, knowing you have the skills to make a difference.
  • Personal Empowerment: Knowing first aid not only gives you skills to save lives but also boosts your confidence, improving your ability to act quickly when needed.

Long-Term Skill Retention and Renewal:

  • Ongoing Skill Development: The course is designed to ensure long-term retention of skills through practical, hands-on training.
  • Renewal and Up-to-date Training: Stay current with the latest first aid techniques and practices, with the option to renew your certification every three years, ensuring that your skills remain relevant and up-to-date.

Community Impact and Responsibility:

  • Enhancing Community Safety: By acquiring first aid skills, you contribute to the broader community’s safety, capable of providing assistance in various situations outside of the workplace.
  • Role Model for Safety: Become an advocate and role model for health and safety within your community, inspiring others to be prepared and trained in first aid.


Certification and Compliance:

The course grades are based on class involvement and hands-on practice. Teachers check each student’s grasp and involvement in the course content. The course setting is helpful, offering needed help to make sure all students fully understand and use first aid methods.


Renewal and Up-to-Date Training:

Highlighting the importance of staying current with first aid techniques and practices, the course also addresses the process and benefits of renewing the certification every three years.

Note: The practical assessment during the course is critical for achieving the EFAW qualification and is a requisite for SIA licence criteria.

This course is specifically designed for individuals working in low-risk environments, responsible for workplace safety, or those seeking to obtain or renew an SIA licence. It’s beneficial for both first-time learners and those refreshing their first-aid knowledge, ensuring all participants are adept at managing emergencies.

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Joshua Hamilton

Web Developer

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